Website & Online Store Updates
Great Lakes Radiant & Industrials is excited to announce the launch of our new website and online store! Over the past few months, we’ve been working diligently to revamp our website for a more user-friendly experience. Our content has been rebranded and updated to with more useful information. Additionally, GLRI has created an online store with a focus on in-demand products. This exciting development will make it easier for customers to shop high intensity infrared radiant heaters, infrared patio heaters, and common parts.
New Services Page
GLRI’s new website focuses on products and services, with relevant information to assist you through the process of selecting an infrared radiant heater. The new “Services” page features eight common services we provide, along with descriptions with considerations during the product selection process. Standard services like Heat Loss Calculations are a mainstay in the decision process. We’ve also added unique services like Rebate Assistance (keep more money in your pocket!) and Virtual Site Visits!
New Product Listings
Meanwhile, our products listing has expanded greatly to feature more heaters from our product lines. Five categories of heaters, plus one of LED lights, are listed on the “Products” page. Delve into these categories further and you’ll find a complete listing of product offering with brief descriptions and brochure links.
Project Types
Also new is the “Project Types” section. This page lists over a dozen common applications for infrared radiant heat. You’ll find typical applications like warehouse and car washes listed here, along with more extraordinary applications such as horse arenas. Infrared radiant heat can warm a variety of spaces, both large and small. Check out this excellent new resource–you may be surprised by what you find!
Online Shop
Our streamlined “Shop” page now has a cleaner, more user-friendly look. When visiting our online store, customers will find Universal Ray high intensity ceramic heaters, Re-Verber-Ray Designer Series gas-fired and electric patio heaters, accessories, and select replacement parts. Though you can purchase these items online, we are always standing by to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to call or email our team prior to ordering if you’d like to discuss your heating project or application.
We hope you find our new website and online shop useful, and look forward to working with you on your next infrared heating project. Give us a call at 888-501-0252 or email sales@glradiant.com to speak with one of our heating experts today!